2024-2025 Catalog 
    Jul 26, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog


List of addendum’s to the 2024-2025 catalog after the publication date.



  • AA - Pre-Cosmetology: removed COM-231 
  • AA - Pre-Health Information Technology: removed ACA-111
  • AA - Pre-Pharmacy Technology: removed COM-231
  • AA - Pre-Dental Hygiene: changed both H/FA Elective and S/BS Elective requirements from 3 to 6 credit hours

May 15, 2024


  • AA - Pre-Dental Hygiene: added Natural Sciences electives
  • Medical Office Billing & Coding Certificate: added admittance requirements statement


  • Criminal Justice Technology - Criminal Justice Foundations Certificate: removed note about new students not being accepted

May 16, 2024


  • AA - Pre-Dental Hygiene: added sub-core “Additional Required General Education Electives” with 4 required credits
  • AA - Pre-Dental Hygiene, Other Required Hours/Pre-Major Electives: added FRE-111, FRE-112, HSE-110, MAT-175, PED-165, and WBL-111 footnote


  • AA - Pre-Dental Hygiene: changed required credits under “Other Required Hours” from 29 to 19
  • AA - Pre-Dental Hygiene: revised “General Education/Pre-Major Electives” to “Other Required Hours/Pre-Major Electives” and changed required credits to 3
  • AA - Pre-Dental Hygiene, Other Required Hours/Pre-Major Electives: removed CIS-115, SOC-240

May 17, 2024


  • SLO revisions: AVI-250, CSC-227, CSC-234, CSC-284, DBA-110, DBA-115, DBA-120, DBA-289

May 20, 2024


  • SLO revisions: DRA-141, EDU-259, ELC-118, HOR-170

May 21, 2024


  • SLO revisions: HUM-122, LSG-123, MED-110, MED-114, MED-118, MED-130, MED-131, MED-140, MED-150, MED-240, MED-262, MED-270, MED-272, MED-276, OST-137, PHM-110, PHM-111, PHM-118, PHM-120, PHM-125

May 22, 2024


  • SLO revisions: PHM-134, PHM-135, PHM-165, PLU-110, PLU-140, PTA-110, PTA-125, PTA-135, PTA-145, PTA-212, PTA-215, PTA-222, PTA-225, PTA-235, PTA-245, PTA-255, REL-111, REL-211, REL-212, REL-221, SGD-113, SGD-114, SGD-126, SGD-134, SGD-168, SGD-212, SGD-213, SGD-214, SGD-274, SGD-289

 May 23, 2024


  • AA-Pre-Emergency Medical Science Pathway: Added additional Gen. Ed. hours and updated Other Required Hours

May 28, 2024


  • A60180A2: Removed AER-211, AER-212, AER-280, WBL-111, WBL-121, WBL-131, and WBL-211 from Career Pilot Option Technical Electives and changed “two courses” to “2 credits.” Removed footnote and put Career Pilot Technical Elective and H/FA Electives in Electives core
  • A60180A1: Removed AER-211, WBL-111, WBL-121, WBL-131, and WBL-211 from Technical Elective picklist. Removed footnote and put H/FA Electives and Technical Electives in Electives core


  • A60180A2: Added “and” between PHY-110 and PHY-110A. Added Humanities/Fine Arts Elective Checklist
  • A60180A1: Added Humanities/Fine Arts Electives picklist

May 29, 2024


  • AA-Pre-Health IT Pathway: removed CIS-115 from “Other Required Gen. Ed. Hours” picklist and revised Required Gen. Ed. electives from 19 credits to 28
  • Human Services Technology CCP: removed “Pending Approval”


  • AA-Pre-Health IT Pathway: Added Gen. Ed. picklist. Added FRE-111, FRE-112, HSE-110, MAT-175, All PED courses, and WBL-111 to “Other Required Gen. Ed. Electives” picklist. Added footnote for WBL-111 and ad hoc statements to classes that must be taken together
  • Human Services Technology CCP: added program code

May 30, 2024


  • Revised pre-requisites for FRE-111

May 31, 2024


  • Added SLOs for the following courses: EDU-270, EDU-272, EDU-277, EDU-278, and EDU-283


  • EDU-270: Updated course description

June 3, 2024


  • Pre-Dental Assisting: changed core Gen Ed./Pre-Major Electives to Other Required Electives and removed CIS-115, CSC-139, and CSC-239. Updated credit requirements to match Colleague.
  • Business Admin General Option: updated POs
  • Pre-Medical Assisting: changed General Education Electives picklist to Other Required Electives/Pre-Major Electives picklist and changed the hours required. Made changes to electives in Semester III and IV.


  • Pre-Dental Assisting: added BIO-168, BIO-169, FRE-111, FRE-112, MAT-175, WBL-111 and footnote to Other Required Electives core. Added General Education Electives core and picklist. Added H/FA Electives picklist.
  • Pre-Medical Assisting: added General Education Electives picklist. Added FRE-111, FRE-112, HSE-110, MAT-175, PHI-240, WBL-111 and WBL-111 footnote to Other Required Electives/Pre-Major Electives picklist.

June 4, 2024


  • Pre-Pharmacy Technology: changed General Education/Pre-Major Electives core to Other Required/Pre-Major Electives, removed CIS-115 from the picklist.


  • Pre-Pharmacy Technology: added General Education Electives picklist, added FRE-111, FRE-112, HSE-110, MAT-175, WBL-111, and Footnote to Other Required/Pre-Major Electives picklist.

June 5 2024


  • Pre-Physical Therapist Assistant: changed H/FA Elective credits from 3 to 6. Changed General Education/Pre-Major Electives core to Other Required/Pre-Major Electives, changed credit hours from 20 to 6, removed CIS-115 and CSC 239 from the picklist.


  • Pre-Physical Therapist Assistant: added General Education Electives picklist, added DRA-271, FRE-111, FRE-112, HSE-110, MAT-175, WBL-111, and Footnote to Other Required/Pre-Major Electives picklist.

June 6 2024


  • Simulation and Game Development, AAS: updated PLO

June 10, 2024


  • Information Technology - General Studies, AAS: changed program code to A25590AB. Switched a technical elective to NOS-230. Removed CIS-115 from Semester 1 and the following classes from Technology Electives: CSC-118, CSC-120, CSC-139, CSC-153, CSC-218, CSC-253, CTI-150, CTS-120, CTS-210, CTS-285, CTS-287, NOS-110, NOS-130, NOS-221, NOS-230, NOS-231, SEC-150, SEC-210, WBL-111, WBL-112, WBL-121, and WBL-212. Changed min. required credits to 68.
  • Information Technology - Cyber Ops: made active
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology, AAS: corrected program outcomes
  • Healthcare Information Technology, AAS: Updated extension and program description, removed language about “Limited Enrollment Program”

June 12, 2024


  • AA Pre-Practical Nursing: replaced MAT-143 with MAT 152, fixed ad-hoc statements, replaced CHM-131 and CHM-131A with CHM-151, and removed CIS-115, changed Gen. Ed./Pre-Major Electives core to Other Required/Pre-Major Electives


  • AA Pre-Practical Nursing: added H/FA elective to Semester 1, added H/FA picklist, added FRE-111, FRE-112, and MAT-175 to Other Required Electives picklist

June 13, 2004


  • Program C60180C2: changed name to match Colleague
  • Electronics Engineering Technology Diploma: replaced CIS-115 with SEC-110
  • Culinary Arts - Mobile Catering and Food Truck Management: removed COM-120 and replaced with H/FA elective
  • Computer-Integrated Machining-CNC Mill: removed MAC-179 and corrected hours
  • Computer-Integrated Machining-CNC Lathe: removed MAC-178 and corrected hours


  • Culinary Arts - Mobile Catering and Food Truck Management: added H/FA picklist and removed COM-120 requirement

June 14, 2024


  • HS Adjunct Instructor: removed “Pending Approval”
  • EE Residency Licensure: removed “Pending Approval”
  • AA Pre-Radiography: changed General Ed/Pre-Major Electives to Other Required/Pre-Major Electives and changed required hours,  removed CIS-115, CSC-139, fixed ad-hoc statements


  • AA Pre-Radiography: added Humanities/FA elective to Semester III, added H/FA picklist; added FRE-111, FRE-112, HSE-110, MAT-175, WBL-111, and WBL-111 Footnote to Other Req./Pre-Major Electives pick list
  • AA Pre-Cosmetology: added General Education Electives picklist, added Other Required/Pre-Major Electives pick list and footnote
  • AA Pre-Dental Assisting: added CHM-151 to Semester IV and revised credit hours

June 18, 2024


  • AA Pre-Dental Assisting: removed CHM-151 as a requirement and replaced it with Natural Sciences Elective
  • Accounting & Finance CCP: removed “Pending approval”
  • Bus. Admin CCP: removed “Pending approval”
  • Computer Integrated Mach. CCP: removed “Pending approval”
  • Cyper Crime Technology: removed “Pending approval”
  • Graphic Design-Design Gateway CCP: removed “Pending approval”
  • IT-C++ Programming CCP: removed “no longer accepting students”
  • IT-JAVA Programming CCP: removed “no longer accepting students”
  • Mechatronics Eng. Tech. CCP: removed “Pending approval”
  • MOA-Medical Billing & Coding CCP: removed “Pending approval”
  • Pharmacy Tech. CCP: removed “pending approval”
  • Simulation & Game Dev. CCP: removed “not accepting students” statement
  • Supply Chain Management CCP: removed “pending approval”


  • AA Pre-Dental Assisting: added Natural Sciences Elective pick list

June 19, 2024


  • AA Pre-surgical Tech: updated Gen. Ed./Pre-Major Electives pick list to match Colleague, added ad-hoc statements, a footnote for WBL-111, and changed name to Other Required/Pre-Major Electives
  • Criminal Justice Tech-Homeland Security: revised program hours from 14 to 12 to match Colleague
  • Automotive Systems Tech-Ford Chassis: changed program credit hours to 18
  • IT Cloud Computing Data Specialist: removed CIS-115
  • AAS Mechatronics Engineering Technology: revised program code, removed Social/Behavioral Science Elective and picklist
  • MET-Adv Manufacturing Tech: removed “Introduction to Industry” class and changed program total hours


  • AA Pre-surgical Tech: added General Education Electives picklist
  • Automotive Systems Tech-Ford Chassis: added Fall Semester 1 and added TRN-110 to Fall Semester 1

June 20, 2024


  • AA to BS/BA Sociology Path: corrected semester 2 math footnote designation

June 21, 2024


  • Early Childhood Education Diploma: updated electives

June 24, 2024


  • AS College Transfer: updated math requirements
  • AA Pre-Pharmacy: inactivated

July 18, 2024