2025-2026 Catalog [Effective Fall 2025] 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog [Effective Fall 2025]

Registration and Attendance

Registering for Classes

Registration for courses is a process conducted by the student via Colleague Student Planning and Registration at https://selfservice.gtcc.edu/ (log-in required), or in some cases, by an authorized staff or faculty member.


Students are assigned registration times based on the number of credit hours they have completed and whether they are enrolled in certain limited enrollment programs. This registration time is available in Self-Service under the specific registration term in Planning Overview: Course Plan. Continuing  students may  register from their designated date and time through the last day to register for the semester or session.  New students who have completed orientation may register from the begging of the open registration period through the last day to register for the semester or session. Once the semester or session begins, enrolled students may  add a course to their class schedules from the first day of the term or session until the end of the  corresponding schedule adjustment period.

 Registering for courses after instruction has begun may be detrimental to student learning. Any student who adds a course after the start of the session or term  will be held responsible for all course information previously covered. Students are not guaranteed make up privileges.


Students whose names do not appear on the instructor’s roster in Self-Service are not officially registered and will not receive credit or grades.


A waitlist is a record of students interested in adding a course that does not have available seats. If a course is full, students may have the option of joining a waitlist for that course. If a seat in a waitlisted course becomes available, students are notified by GTCC email in the order in which they signed up for the waitlist. A student has 24 hours from the time of notification to register for the course. The 24-hour period starts when the email notification is sent, not when it is read by the student. If the available seat is not filled, it will be offered to the next student on the waitlist. If a student misses the enrollment deadline for a waitlisted class, the student may rejoin the waitlist but must start at the bottom of the enrollment priority ranking.


Students should remove themselves from waitlists for courses they no longer wish to add to their schedule. Each semester or session, the waitlist feature will be turned off on a designated date, and after that point, the waitlist will not be used to determine course enrollment priority. Students are responsible for monitoring course availability after the waitlist feature is made inactive.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance in class is essential to receiving maximum benefit from the educational experiences. A curriculum student is expected to attend and be on time for all classes and lab/shop/clinic sessions. In order to remain enrolled in a course a student must be in attendance on or before the census date. 


To meet the census requirement, students registered in a traditional (face-to-face) course must physically attend class and be recorded as present at least one time on or before the census date of the class or they will be issued a No-Show grade and not allowed to remain in the class. Students registered in a hybrid or blended course must physically attend class or participate in an online activity on or before the census date of the class to be counted as present or they will be issued a No-Show grade and not allowed to remain in the class.


Students registered in an online course must log into the online course and participate in an online activity before or on the census date of the course to be counted as present or they will be issued a No-Show grade and not allowed to remain in the class. Departments and individual instructors may not waive this requirement.


Students enrolled in paired or co-requisite courses who receive a No-Show grade in one course will be administratively withdrawn from the other course in the pairing.


Pursuant to NC State Board of Community Colleges, SBCCC.500.1, military leave of absence(s) will not be counted as an absence when the instructor has received prior official notification. Responsibility for initiating such notice rests with the student. Military personnel must be able to attend the class prior to the census date. Military leave that interferes with the class attendance before the census date will require that the individual drop the course.


Curriculum and continuing education students are allowed two days of excused absences each academic year for religious observances as required by law. Curriculum students must notify instructors in writing of expected religious absences within the first three weeks of class.


Some programs may have outside regulatory bodies that require a minimum of class attendance hours (i.e., Cosmetology, Aviation). Each instructor will include attendance requirements and criteria for tardiness on the course syllabus.


Students are responsible for course content when absent and for coming prepared to the class following the absence. Students should refer to the course syllabus for the course policy on make-up work.

During the schedule adjustment period, students may drop or add open courses using Self-Service. After the schedule adjustment period and through the course census date, students may drop a course using Self-Service or the online drop/withdrawal form. After the course census date, students may withdraw from a course by completing the online drop/withdrawal form.

Withdrawal Procedures

During the schedule adjustment period, students may drop courses using Self-Service. After the schedule adjustment period ends, students must submit an online drop/withdrawal form available through the Records Office Forms webpage.


Students who withdraw from a course after the schedule adjustment period ends through the course census date will not receive a grade and will be eligible for a 75% refund of the cost of the course if they are registered for less than 16 credit hours for the semester. Students who withdraw from a course after the census date up to the withdrawal deadline will receive a grade of W and will not be eligible for a refund. The census date for each course can be found in Canvas on the course syllabus.  Students who do not complete a course and do not withdraw will receive a grade of F for the course. Students are responsible for initiating the withdrawal process.


Students enrolled in paired or co-requisite courses are not allowed to withdraw from only one course in the pairing; students must withdraw from both courses.