2019-2020 Catalog 
    Jan 17, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information



Credit for Coursework

The regular academic year is divided into 16-week semesters in fall and spring and a 10-week summer session. Class duration varies by course and program. Information about term length for specific class sections is available on WebAdvisor during the registration period for the upcoming term.

For each period of lecture, a student is expected to spend at least two hours on outside preparation and homework.

In the interest of student success, the maximum number of credit hours of course work for which a student can enroll in one term is 21. If a student desires to take more than 21 credit hours of course work in one semester, the student must get signed approval from the department chair for the program in which the student is enrolled. In the absence of the department chair, the division chair may approve the request.

Course Numbering System

Courses in the North Carolina Community College System’s Combined Course Library use a common numbering system. The first three letters form a prefix that indicates the subject of the course and the following three numbers indicate the specific course within that topic. Course numbers beginning with zero (0) indicate pre-curriculum level courses. Pre-Curriculum courses teach skills necessary for success in college courses and do not provide college-level credit.

Transfer Credits

Transferring from GTCC

Students are responsible for determining the requirements of the institution and program to which they plan to transfer.

Beginning Fall 2018, as a new college student working toward transfer and a bachelor’s degree at a four-year school, you will be required to take ACA 122  College Transfer Success during your first semester at GTCC.  

GTCC strongly encourages students to complete their program at GTCC before transferring to another institution. Students who transfer before earning an associate’s degree will need to meet the UNC system’s minimum admission requirements established for all high school graduates. Students who did not meet these requirements in high school and do not earn an associate’s degree must meet the following requirements before they are eligible to transfer:

  • Two general education social/behavioral science college transfer courses
  • Two general education English college transfer courses (ENG 111  & ENG 112 )
  • Two general education lab science college transfer courses
  • Two general education mathematics college transfer courses

General education college transfer courses are indicated in the charts in Associate in Arts, AA - College Transfer - General Studies - CIP Code: 24.0101  and in the Course Descriptions . Descriptions for appropriate courses include the phrase: This course has been approved for transfer under the CAA as a general education course in….

Students who wish to transfer should contact the Admissions office of the institution they would like to attend as soon as possible. Communication with the university enables students to select the most appropriate courses for their program of study and transition smoothly to the university. Students are encouraged to inquire about foreign language requirements needed for their bachelor’s degree program.

University admission application deadlines vary. Students must meet the application deadline for the university to which they plan to transfer. Admission criteria vary, and admission is competitive to majors and professional schools. Only courses in which the student has earned a C or higher will transfer.

Transferring to GTCC

GTCC accepts credits earned in academic programs from colleges and universities accredited by one of the following seven regional agencies.  Middle States Commission on Higher Education, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Higher Learning Commission, Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges.

As part of the application process, students should submit official transcripts from all colleges attended.  Military and veteran students should also submit their Joint Service Transcript and/or Community College of the Air Force Transcript.  Enrollment Services will determine the appropriate course equivalency for transfer credits. Credits will be evaluated on a course by course basis. If there is a question about the equivalence of a course being considered for transfer, Enrollment Services may require that the student supply additional documents such as a college catalog, course syllabus, or textbook list in order to determine whether credit should be awarded.

Students must have earned a grade of C or higher to receive transfer credit. Some transfer courses may require departmental approval before being accepted toward a program. If the department chair requires an exam to validate transfer credit, an exam grade of at least a C is required. Transfer GPA is not calculated or brought into the GTCC record, but is counted in the financial aid GPA calculation.

Transfer credit from international colleges is awarded on a case-by-case basis and may require department chair validation. Students are advised to submit their record of courses to an agency recognized by NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluating Services) for an international evaluation.  www.naces.org

Some departments and courses have time limits for transferring, to check this list click here .

Students should send official international transcript evaluations to:

Guilford Technical Community College
Admissions Office
P.O. Box 309
Jamestown, NC 27282

To receive a degree from GTCC, the student must earn at GTCC one-fourth of the required hours in the degree program and one-third of the major course work applicable to graduation. Some programs may have time limits for transfer of certain courses.

Guilford Technical Community College Proficiency Exams

For certain courses, students who believe they have the knowledge and skills to demonstrate successful completion of student learning outcomes may demonstrate proficiency. Students should consult with an admissions officer or department chair to determine readiness for a proficiency demonstration.

To receive course credit by proficiency, the student must submit a brief written request for demonstration of proficiency to the appropriate department chair and include evidence of preparedness such as high achievement in secondary school, military service, or work experience. The student registers for the course and pays required tuition and fees. The department chair or Assessment Center then administers the proficiency examination. The evaluation of the demonstration will serve as the grade for the course.

Credit for proficiency may not be granted for a course being audited at the time of the proficiency demonstration. Proficiency demonstrations may be taken only one time in each subject area. A student may earn a maximum of 50% of credit toward graduation by proficiency.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

GTCC is an official test site for the College Level Examination Program (CLEP). The Assessment Center on the Jamestown campus administers all CLEP exams. Students enrolled at GTCC may receive credit for certain college courses by submitting official scores from the CLEP. Only scores of 50 or above will be approved for credit, and in some cases additional tests are required. Students may receive multiple course credits for foreign language exams, as determined by their exam score. More information about CLEP and the list of accepted subject matter examinations can be found at https://www.gtcc.edu/admissions-and-aid/assessment-center/proctoring-services-for-gtcc-and-non-gtcc-students.php

To receive college credit for Advanced Placement tests, students must request that an official copy of their AP test scores be sent to the GTCC Admissions Office. Only scores of three or higher will be approved for credit. AP tests in some subject areas may not be accepted for consideration if they are not applicable to the student’s program.

Professional Certifications

The student should contact the department chair of the program to which the advanced standing credit may be applied upon enrolling at GTCC. The department chair will determine the GTCC course equivalencies and corresponding certifications required for credit. Students must submit their original professional certification or credential to the appropriate department chair. The department chair will complete the necessary paperwork and return the original document to the student.


Final grades are available on WebAdvisor. They are not mailed.

Grade Point Scale and Grade Point Average (GPA)

A Superior 90-100 four points per credit hour
B Above Average 80-89 three points per credit hour
C Average 70-79 two points per credit hour
D Below Average 60-69 one point per credit hour
F Failure below 60 zero points per credit hour

The following are not included in GPA calculations

S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
AU Audit
I Incomplete
W Withdrew
X Placeholder for AVI classes not completed to FAA standards
P Pass - used for pre-curriculum math shells (DMS) and pre-curriculum reading/English courses (DRE)
R Repeat - used for pre-curriculum math shells (DMS) and pre-curriculum reading/English courses (DRE)
CC Course Completion - used for pre-curriculum math module (DMA)

Grades are assigned based on work completed at the end of scheduled class time. Additional work after the end date of the class is not justified unless an Incomplete was assigned.

GTCC computes GPA using the four-point system and by adding the quality points earned for each course and dividing by the total number of credit hours for those courses.

Every student will have a program GPA, which is based only on courses in the student’s program of study. Every student also will have a cumulative GPA, which includes all courses taken for credit at GTCC. To earn a degree, diploma, or certificate, students must have successfully completed all program requirements with a program GPA of 2.0 or higher and a grade of A, B, C, D, or S in each course in their program of study.

For information regarding grade appeals, please visit https://supportservices.gtcc.edu/student-complaint/.

S & U Grades

An S indicates a student successfully achieved the outcomes expected for the course and completed the minimum requirements. An S corresponds to a grade between 70-100 in a course. A U means the student did not master the outcomes and/or complete the minimum requirements for the course. A U corresponds to a grade below 70. S and U grades are given in cooperative education and other designated courses.

AU Grade

An AU means a student audited the course and will receive no grade and no credit. To audit a course, students must indicate that they want to audit when they register or before the end of the schedule adjustment period for the term, or they must get the instructor’s approval to change to an audit grade before the 5/8 point of class. Students are required to pay standard tuition rates for audited classes, which are not eligible for financial aid.

I Grade

An I indicates a student is passing a course but has not completed all required course work. Instructors decide whether to assign an I. Students must complete course work required to remove the I grade before the 5/8 point of the subsequent term. If the incomplete is not removed, the student will receive an F for the course.

W Grade

A W indicates a student withdrew from a course.

X Grade

Aviation Systems Technology uses the X grade as a placeholder for AVI classes that aren’t completed to FAA Standards. A grade of X for AVI 110  is not a passing grade and does not satisfy state prerequisites.

P & R Grades

A P indicates a student successfully achieved the outcomes expected for the course and completed the minimum requirements. An R means the student did not master the outcomes and/or complete the minimum requirements for the course. P and R grades are given in the pre-curriculum math shells (DMS) and pre-curriculum reading/English courses (DRE).

CC Grade

A CC indicates a course completion of a pre-curriculum math module (DMA).  This grade is only used for developmental math.

Grade Prefixes

T Transfer Credit
P Proficiency Exam
N Course Forgiven

T Prefix

Credit transferred into GTCC will show grades with a T prefix. Only grades of C or better or S earn credit toward graduation. Transfer credits are not used when calculating GPA, except for the financial aid GPA calculation.

P Prefix

Courses completed by proficiency exam will show grades with a P prefix. Only grades of C or better or S earn credit toward graduation. Proficiency credits are not used when calculating GPA, except for the financial aid GPA calculation.

N Prefix

If a course is forgiven, the grade will have an N prefix. The course grade and credit hours are not used in GPA calculations, except for the financial aid GPA calculation.

NS indicates that a student was a no-show and did not meet the attendance requirements by the course census date.

Forgiveness of Grades for Previously Earned Credits

Enrolled students will be provided with the opportunity to request that credits earned five (5) years or more before the current date not be considered in determining the courses completed toward a degree, diploma, or certificate, and thus also not be considered in determining grade point average.


  1. Students not currently enrolled at GTCC are required to complete a minimum of six (6) semester hours at GTCC with a “C” average or better before making application.

    Applicants may submit the Forgiveness of Grades Request Form to request that credits earned at GTCC, which are at least five (5) years old, not be considered in determining degree, diploma, certification or grade point average requirements.

    Students should be advised that if approval for forgiveness of grades is received, the attempted credits and grades will still be used to determine if the student is making satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes.
  2. The Forgiveness of Grades Request Form should be completed and sent to the Registrar, located on the Jamestown campus, who will make the decision whether or not the grades will be forgiven. The Forgiveness of Grades Request Form is available online at the Students General Forms web page, https://supportservices.gtcc.edu/records-forgiveness-of-grades/
  3. If the request is approved, the change of grades will be reflected on the student transcript. The new transcript will show all courses affected by the forgiveness of credit and quality points using an appropriate identifier (e.g., an “N” prefix before the grade). Only credit hours and quality points will be purged from the student’s transcript; course numbers, course titles and grades, will remain on the record, (e.g., the grade point average of the student will not be affected by those courses with forgiven credit hours and quality points.)
    1. A request for forgiveness of grades can be made only one time while attending GTCC.
    2. All grades that count towards a student’s GPA may be forgiven. These include grades A, B, C, D, F, WF, U and I.
  4. If the request is denied, the student may reapply for consideration no sooner than six months from the date of the denial, provided the student has completed the minimum of six (6) semester hours at GTCC with a “C” average or better

Student Academic Standing

President’s List

The President’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the fall or spring semester or 9 credit hours for summer term and earn a 4.0 grade point average.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List includes all program students who complete at least 12 credit hours in the fall or spring semester or 9 credit hours for summer term and earn a grade point average of less than 4.0 but no lower than 3.5 with no grade below a C.

Honors List

The Honors List includes all program students who complete at least two courses in the fall or spring semester for a minimum of six credit hours, but no more than 11 credit hours, or 6 credit hours and no more than 8 for summer term, and earn at least a 3.5 grade point average with no grade lower than a B.

Honor Roll Eligibility

A student who earns an incomplete (I) is not eligible for honor rolls. Grades of S, U, X, or AU will not be considered for honor rolls, and those courses will not be considered in the minimum hours for honor rolls. Pre-Curriculum education courses do not apply to academic honors calculations.

Honor Roll Notification

Students are notified if they are named to an honor roll.

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society

Phi Theta Kappa is the international honor society for two-year colleges. Alpha Pi Alpha is the GTCC chapter of Phi Theta Kappa. To be eligible for Alpha Pi Alpha, students must have earned 12 college-level credit hours at GTCC toward an associate’s degree, successfully completed ENG 111  with a C or higher, and earned a 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher. Members must also maintain at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA. Students who are eligible to join Phi Theta Kappa are contacted in the fall and spring semesters. Phi Theta Kappa charges a fee for membership. Additional information about Phi Theta Kappa is available through Student Life. Membership in Alpha Pi Alpha is designated on the student’s transcript and Phi Theta Kappa sends each member a certificate and membership number.

Standard of Academic Progress

To assist students with accomplishing academic goals, the college supports the process of reviewing academic progress. Good academic standing is defined as achieving a semester grade point average of 2.0 or higher.

The standard of academic progress exists to assist each student accomplish academic goals by:

  • Alerting the student and the college of academic difficulties or deficiencies
  • Providing an opportunity for the college to be of assistance to the student in setting and achieving academic goals
  • Assisting the student in utilizing the facilities and personnel of the college
  • Creating an atmosphere in which the student may be successful in the pursuit of an education

Academic Status: Warning, Supervision, Probation, and Suspension

Academic success at GTCC is important. To remain in good standing and graduate, a student must have a cumulative program grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher. Therefore, at the end of each term, the college reviews the cumulative program grade point average (GPA) achieved by each student enrolled in six or more credits. Pre-Curriculum education courses are not included in the attempted credit hours. If a student’s cumulative program GPA is below 2.0, the student receives a notification of academic status. A student’s cumulative program GPA can be located by logging into the student’s WebAdvisor account and clicking on program evaluation under the Academic Profile category. The following statuses may be assigned:

Note: Students enrolled in a Limited Enrollment Health program should refer to additional information at the end of this section.

*Students receiving veterans’ benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs must maintain a 2.0 grade point average (GPA). Students whose GPA falls below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Probation. If the GPA remains below a 2.0 after the second semester of study, the student will be placed on Academic Suspension from Veteran’s Benefits until the required 2.0 GPA is achieved. 


Students will be placed on warning when their cumulative program GPA falls below 2.0.


  • Students may be required to meet with a Student Success Specialist prior to registering for classes each semester until they are in good standing to review and update their academic plans.
  • Students may also be required to meet with an academic coach.
  • A warning hold may be placed on the students’ account which will prevent registration activity.
  • Students may be required to attend appropriate Student Success Seminars.
  • Students may be placed on an Academic Improvement Plan


Students will be placed on supervision when their cumulative program GPA is below 2.0 and they were on warning from the previous semester in attendance.


  • Students will be required to meet with a Student Success Specialist prior to registering for classes each semester until they are in good standing to review and update their academic plans.
  • Students may also be required to meet with an academic coach
  • A supervision hold will be placed on the students’ account, which will prevent registration activity.
  • Students will be required to meet a minimum of twice a semester with a Student Success Specialist
  • Students will be required to schedule a meeting with the Department Chair of their program in addition to meeting with the Student Success Specialist.
  • Students may be required to attend one or more appropriate Student Success Seminars
  • Students will be placed on Academic Improvement Plan


Students will be placed on probation when their cumulative program GPA is below 2.0 and they were on supervision the previous semester in attendance. During this phase, students are subject to suspension at the end of the term they are on probation if the cumulative program GPA remains below 2.0.


  • Students will be required to meet with a Student Success Specialist prior to registering for classes each semester until they are in good standing to review and update their academic plans
  • Students may also be required to meet with an academic coach
  • A probation hold will be placed on the students’ accounts, which will prevent registration activity
  • Students will be required to meet a minimum of twice a month with a Student Success Specialist
  • Students will be required to schedule a meeting with the Division Chair of their program in addition to meeting with the Student Success Specialist.
  • Students may be required to attend appropriate Student Success Seminars.
  • Students will be placed on Academic Improvement Plan.


Students are suspended for one-term if they do not have a cumulative program GPA of a 2.0 or higher at the end of the term for which they were on probation.

  • The Associate Vice President of Instruction will send a suspension email to the students’ GTCC Titan email address and a physical suspension letter to the address on file with the college.
  • Students who have pre-registered for the term in which they will be suspended will be administratively withdrawn from those courses.
  • Upon return to the college, students are considered to be on academic probation and will be required to meet with a Student Success Specialist prior to registration.

Academic Suspension Appeals Process

Suspended students have the right to appeal. Students may appeal an academic suspension to the Associate Vice President of Instruction prior to the last day of schedule adjustment for the semester in which the suspension takes effect. During the appeal process, students may not register or attend classes. In addition, the registration hold will remain in effect.


  • Students must complete the Academic Suspension Form and submit it to the Associate Vice President of Instruction
  • The Associate Vice President of Instruction will review pertinent records such as the students’ transcripts, consultation with faculty, counselors, students involved and others who can aid in the review process and make a decision within five business days after receiving the appeal.
  • The Associate Vice President of Instruction will render one of the following two decisions:
    1. Lift suspension with or without provisions. All provisions will be monitored by the Student Success Center.
      • Students who appeal is lifted may register for any courses that have not begun.
      • Students must meet with an academic coach prior to registration
      • Students will be limited to six credits
    2. Let the suspension stand.
  • The Associate Vice President of Instruction will notify suspended students the results of the appeal in writing within five business days.
  • Once the decision has been communicated to the student, the Associate Vice President of Instruction will notify the Department, the Associate Vice President of Student Support Services, the Registrar, the Director of the Student Success Center, Financial Aid, Bursar, and the Veterans Office.
  • Students who are not satisfied with the decision of the Associate Vice President of Instruction may appeal to the Vice President of Instruction.

Information for Limited Enrollment Health programs

Limited enrollment health students on academic suspension have the right to appeal.

  • The respective Program Director or Program Coordinator in the limited enrollment health programs will notify the appropriate Division Chair of student who are academically suspended each semester.
  • The appropriate Division Chair will send a letter of suspension
  • Once students have received a letter of suspension from the Health Program, they may appeal by following the Student Grievance Policy for an academic grade-related appeal.