2023-2024 Catalog 
    Feb 19, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

AVI 120 Airframe Maintenance I

Lecture: 6 Lab: 18 Clinic: 0 Credits: 12
This course covers airframe structures, systems, and components with an emphasis on the different types of aircraft construction and repair methods. Topics include aircraft non-metallic (composite), sheet metal, and wood structures; welding; covering and finishes (dope and fabric); assembly and rigging; and communication and navigation systems. Students should gain the knowledge and skills in these areas to prepare them for the airframe rating for the FAA mechanic’s certificate.

Pre-requisite(s): AVI 110 .
Course is typically offered in Fall and Spring (AVI-110BB); Spring and Summer (AVI-110AB)
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
At the completion of the course, the students should be able to do the following:

  1. Complete required welding processes to level 2 standards.
  2. Evaluate fiberglass, plastics, honeycomb, composite, and laminated primary and secondary structures in accordance with applicable reference material to a level 2 standard.
  3. Fabricate and repair sheet metal components to level 3 standards given the required material, tools and equipment.
  4. Fabricate the repairs that are required for course completion to the wood and fabric structures to a level 1 standard.
  5. Rig aircraft to a level 2 standard.
  6. Explain and document basic operating principles of aircraft communication and navigation radios to level 1 standards. To include, VOR, ILS, ADF, INS, LORAN, GPS, Doppler, Marker Beacon, Radar, and weather mapping systems.