2025-2026 Catalog [Effective Fall 2025] 
    Mar 14, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog [Effective Fall 2025]

HIS 131 American History I

Lecture: 3 Lab: 0 Clinic: 0 Credits: 3
This course is a survey of American history from pre-history through the Civil War era. Topics include the migrations to the Americas, the colonial and revolutionary periods, the development of the Republic, and the Civil War. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze significant political, socioeconomic, and cultural developments in early American history.

This course has been approved for transfer under the CAA as a general education course in Social/Behavioral Sciences. This is a Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) course.

Pre-requisite(s): ENG-002 or ENG 025  
Course is typically offered in Fall, Spring, and Summer.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
At the completion of the course, the students should be able to do the following:

  1. Analyze selected major developments, trends, and issues related to the creation and maintenance of English settlements in North America and to their interactions with Native American peoples (to 1763).
  2. Explore selected major developments, trends, and issues related to the efforts to establish and maintain an independent United States (to 1815).
  3. Appraise selected major developments, trends, and issues related to the economic, social, and political development of the United States.
  4. Analyze selected major developments, trends, and issues related to the origins, development, and outcome of sectional conflict in the United States (to 1876).
  5. Demonstrate essential historical skills by identifying appropriate sources, selecting and prioritizing the information, and synthesizing a logical response for selected historical issues raised in this course.