2024-2025 Catalog 
    Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog

Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation

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Contact: (336) 334-4822, ext. 50096

The two-year program listed below is designed to meet the requirements for an Associate of Arts transfer degree from GTCC and prepare a student for obtaining a Bachelor of Arts in Education at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, North Carolina A&T State University, Appalachian State University, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, or Guilford College.

However, students from GTCC seeking a baccalaureate degree may also transfer to other institutions. These institutions may require different courses within the various areas of General Education. Students interested in transferring to a four-year college or university after GTCC should consult with the institution they will be attending, their faculty advisor, and/or the GTCC Student Success Center.

The Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation degree shall be granted for a planned program of study consisting of a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit (SHC) of college transfer courses. Within the degree program, the institution shall include opportunities for the achievement of competence in reading, writing, oral communication, fundamental mathematical skills, and basic computer use.

The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) and the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (ICAA) enables North Carolina community college graduates of two-year associate in arts programs who are admitted to constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina and to Signatory Institutions of North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities to transfer with junior status.

Community college graduates must obtain a grade of “C” or better in each course and an overall GPA of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale in order to transfer with a junior status. Courses may also transfer through bilateral agreements between institutions.

Upon successful completion of this degree, graduates will be able to:

  • Use strategies to acquire new information in the field of education
  • Analyze relevant issues presented in the field of education
  • Apply critical thinking in the field of education
  • Examine educational pathways that lead to teaching as a career

Course Requirements for Associate in Arts in Teacher Preparation (60-61 Credits)

General Education (45 Credits)

The general education common course pathway includes study in the areas of English, communication; humanities and fine arts; social and behavioral sciences; natural sciences and mathematics.

Universal General Education Transfer Component

All Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) courses will transfer for equivalency credit.

English Composition (6 credits)

The following two English compositions courses are required:

Communications (3 credits)

Take one course from the following:

Social/Behavioral Sciences (6 credits)

Select two courses from the following from at least two different disciplines:

Mathematics (3-4 credits)

Select one course from the following:

Natural Sciences (4 credits)

Select four credits from the following course(s):

Additional General Education Hours (17-18 Credits)

The following course is required:

General Education Electives:

An additional 14-15 SHC of courses should be selected from courses classified as general education within the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. Students should select these courses based on their intended major and transfer university. Students must meet the receiving university’s foreign language and/or health and physical education requirements, if applicable, prior to or after transfer to the senior institution. 

Other Required Hours (15 Credits)

Academic Transition (1 credit)

The following course is required:

Education (14 Credits)

The following courses are required:


*Students who have completed Teacher Cadet or Teaching as a Profession courses in in high school with a B or better may substitute that course for EDU 187 Teaching and Learning for All. 

**One semester hour of WBL 111 credit may be included in a 61 SHC associate in arts program of study. The transfer of this hour is not guaranteed. 

Semester I

Total Credits: 14

Semester II

Total Credits: 15-16

Semester III

Total Credits: 15

Semester IV

Total Credits: 16

Total credit hours required for degree: 60-61


1 - If transferring to UNCC or UNCG, take COM 231

2 - ECO 251, ECO 252, HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 131, HIS 132, POL 120, PSY 150, SOC 210

  • If transferring to UNCC, take 1 HIS, PSY 150, and ECO 252
  • If transferring to App State, take HIS 131 or HIS 132 and POL 120
  • If transferring to Guilford, take ECO 251

3 - ART 111, ART 114, ART 115, DRA 111, ENG 231, ENG 232, ENG 241, ENG 242, MUS 110, MUS 112, PHI 215, PHI 240

  • If transferring to UNCC, take 1 ART/DRA/MUS and 1 ENG/PHI
  • If transferring to App State, take ENG 231 or ENG 232

4 - MAT 143, MAT 152, MAT 171

  • If transferring to UNCC, UNCG, or Guilford check Math and Science requirements
  • If transferring to App State, take 4-hour Math

5 -  AST 111/111A, AST 151/151A, BIO 110, BIO 111, CHM 151, GEL 111, PHY 110/110A

  • If transferring to UNCC or UNCG, check Math and Science requirements

6 - Additional Gen Ed Hours/Pre-major Electives

  • If transferring to UNCC, take EDU 221 and CIS 110
  • If transferring to App State, see check Second Academic Concentration hours requirements; also requires GEO 111 and ENG 252 or ENG 262
  • If transferring to Guilford College, take PSY 241 and BUS 110

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