1 If transferring to UNCC, UNCG, or Guilford College, check Math and Science requirements
-If transferring to App State or NC A&T, take 4-hour Math
2 If transferring to UNCC, take one HIS, PSY 150, and ECO 252
-If transferring to App State, take HIS 131 or 132 and POL 120
-If transferring to Guilford, take ECO 251
3 If transferring to UNCC or UNCG, check Math and Science requirements
4 HIS 111, 112, 131, or 132
5 ART 114 and PSY 150 recommended
-If transferring to UNCC, take one from ART 111, ART 114, ART115/DRA 111/MUS 110, MUS 112 and one ENG/PHI
-If transferring to App State, take ENG 231 or 232