1 Recommendations given for transferring institution: UNCG - HIS 111 , HIS 112 ,HIS 131 , or HIS 132 , NC A&T - HIS 111 or HIS 112 ; Guilford College, HPU, or ASU - HIS 131 ; UNCC or UNCW - HIS 111 ; UNC-Chapel Hill - HIS 131 or HIS 132 .
2 Students who qualify to start the mathematics sequence with MAT 271 will need to take MAT 172 or MAT 272 for those attending UNCG to complete the mathematics requirement for AS degree. Students may use credit hours for MAT 171 to take PHY 151 or PHY 251 .
3 Students should take MUS 110 for most institutions or MUS 112 if transferring to UNCW.
4 For most institutions students may select from ECO 251 , ECO 252 , PSY 150 , POL 120 , or SOC 210 . Students transferring to Guilford College should take ECO 251 and students transferring to UNCW or UNC-Chapel Hill should take SOC 210 .
5 For most institutions students should take PHI 240 . Students transferring to UNCW or UNC-Chapel Hill are recommended to take ENG 231 . Students transferring to ASU should take ENG 241 or ENG 242 . Students transferring to UNCG should take COM 231 .
6 Students transferring to UNCG should take MAT 272 .
7 Students transferring to most institutions who take MAT 152 and enter mathematics sequence at MAT 271 and take PHY 151 or PHY 251 to replace MAT 171 should take as a pre-major elective PHY 152 or PHY 252 . Students entering the mathematics sequence at MAT 171 should take PHY 151 or PHY 251 . Students transferring to UNCG who began MAT 271 should take as pre-major elective as BIO 250 or BIO 265 . Students transferring to UNCC should take one of the following courses: HIS 112 (if taken HIS 111 ), GEO 111 , GEO 112 , POL 210 or POL 220 . Students transferring to HPU should take REL 110 ,REL 211 , REL 212 or REL 221 .
8 Students who useMAT 271 to complete mathematics requirements should take PHY 151 or PHY 251 .