* If MAT 143 is planned for Semester 2, then it is required that an additional General Education elective be taken in Semester 1 to reach the 60 hours needed for the Associate of Arts degree.
- If transferring to UNCG, the above schedule is compatible.
- If transferring to NC A&T University, make these adjustments: take MAT 171 and MAT 172, BIO 110 and GEL 111, ECO 251 or 252, BUS 110, SOC 220, HIS 112 or HIS 122, and take only two semesters of a language for a BS in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- If transferring to UNC Charlotte, take MAT 171 and three semesters of a language. You will be required to select a concentration: Health Communication, International Public Relation, Mass Media, Organizational Communication, Public Advocacy, or Public Relations. For the specific course variations for each of these concentrations, please see UNC Charlotte’s transfer guide.
- If transferring to App State as a Communication Studies concentration, the above schedule is compatible. Please note Foreign Language is not required but GTCC highly suggests a language. There are four other concentrations in communication including: Advertising, Electronic Media/Broadcasting, Journalism, and Public Relations. For the specific course variations for each of these concentrations, please see the ASU transfer guide.
- If transferring to UNC Wilmington, take MAT 143.