1 Recommendations for transferring institutions: UNCG - MAT 172, MAT 271, MAT 272, MAT 273; ASU (Computer Science) - MAT 171, MAT 172, MAT 271, MAT 272; NCAT & UNCC - MAT 271, MAT 272; Guilford College - MAT 171 , MAT 172 , MAT 143, ECO 252 (will also need to take 2 additional General Education elective hours in third or fourth semester). The appropriate sequence will depend on initial placement.
2 Recommendations for transferring institutions: UNCG, ASU - COM 231; Guilford College - COM 120 or ENG 231; UNCC - COM 231, one of ENG 231, 232, 241, 242.
3 Recommendations for transferring institutions: UNCG, ASU - ART 111, 114, or ENG 231 or MUS 110; Guilford College - MUS 110, ENG 231
4 For most institutions students may select two different disciplines from ECO 251, ECO 252, PSY 150, POL 120, or SOC 210. Students transferring to Guilford College should take ECO 251 and students transferring to UNCC should take HIS 111 and SOC 210 or PSY 150.
5 Consult university’s Bachelor Degree Plan or department requirements.
6 NCSU requires PHY 251 /PHY 252 . NCAT requires CHM 151 /CHM 152 or PHY 251 /PHY 252 . ASU and UNC-CH will also accept AST 151 /AST 151A /AST 152 /AST 152A . UNCC will also accept BIO 110 /GEL 111 . ASU, UNCC, UNC-CH, UNCG and UNCW accept either BIO 111 /BIO 112 or CHM 151 /CHM 152 or PHY 251 /PHY 252
7 Students transferring to UNCG, ASU, and UNCC can take a UGETC Elective; Guilford College should take CSC 134